Machining Capabilities
Hyundai WIA HS6300
Horizontal Mill
One of our most capable machines, the Hyundai HS6300 is a horizontal mill that handles most of our large fixture based parts and has unparalleled flexibility. The HS6300 can handle loads up to 2,646 pounds with a machinable area of almost 40inches x 40 inches, and the ability to machine in 4th axis, this Machine contributes largely to the success of Brown CNC Machine.
Haas VF5xt
Vertical mill
Our Haas VF5XT serves truly as a work horse for larger production parts. With a load capacity of 4000 pounds and a machinable area of 60 inches x 40inches it really shines when it comes to fixtures and large parts
Hyundai WIA KF6700II
Vertical Mill
The KF6700 serves as our high speed production mill. With ridiculous rapid speeds and tool changes, this machine excels at smaller parts and can move fast enough to make even simple parts profitable. Still, it has a 2,866 pound load capacity and an XY travel of 50 inches x 26 inches
Mazak Quick Turn 250MY
The Mazak QT250MY adds versatility to our shop being our only lathe currently, however it truly excels in its role. Capable of Barpulling material up to 3 inches in diameter and turning non-bar material up to 16 inches in diameter with a maximum Z axis travel of 20 inches. This machine also has live tooling and off axis machining capability with a maximum y travel of 4 inches
Cosen C-320NC
Automated Saw
The Cosen saw makes handling and machining large bar stock considerably easy and less time consuming. Once this saw is set to a length and a quantity for a part, it is capable of running for extended periods with no interaction needed. With a maximum cut width of 15.6 inches and a maximum material height of 12.6 inches it easily handles the demands of the rest of the shop